Guest Speaker:
Renante Marante, Chicago DPH Environmental Engineer Mr. Marante received a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and an MS in Health Informatics from the University of Illinois at Chicago. As an environmental engineer with the City of Chicago, Mr. Marante has worked on various assignments, including waste permitting and inspections, Brownfields remediation, river ecosystem restoration projects, NPDES compliance, and FEMA floodplain management. Incorporating his broad experiences above and the CDPH's increased focus on air quality, Mr. Marante drafted regulations for the Chicago Department of Public Health (“CDPH”) such as the Rules for Large Recycling Facility (June 5, 2020), Demolition by Implosion – CDPH Rules (April 9, 2021), and Rules for Reprocessable Construction/Demolition Material Facilities (March 7, 2023). These rules protect public health and the environment by setting comprehensive standards for land, water, air, and noise pollution evaluations and controls. From an air quality perspective, the above rules require air dispersion modeling, continuous weather and air quality monitoring, and near real-time notification or reporting of data to CDPH. Mr. Marante is currently responsible for CDPH's implementation of Chicago's Air Quality Ordinance (AQO) that the City Council passed in March 2021. The AQO requires the Chicago Department of Transportation (“CDOT”) to review traffic studies and the CDPH to review air quality impact studies for certain new or expanding developments such as recycling operations, warehousing, intensive manufacturing, production and industrial services, and waste-related uses. Chris Pressnall, Illinois EPA Environmental Justice Coordinator
Chris Pressnall is the manager of the Illinois EPA Office of Environmental Justice. Prior to joining the Office of Environmental Justice in 2017, he spent 19 years in the Illinois EPA Division of Legal Counsel as an air enforcement attorney. As manager of the Illinois EPA environmental justice program, he is responsible for developing and maintaining environmental justice policy documents, supporting the Illinois Commission on Environmental Justice, and conducting enhanced public outreach activities in areas of environmental justice concern. He works directly with members of the public, community groups, industry and government agencies to resolve issues raised by environmental justice communities. Chris is also the Illinois EPA Language Access Coordinator and monitors compliance with procedural aspects of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. |